Source code for meshmagick.hydrostatics

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module allows to perform hydrostatics computations on meshes"""

import numpy as np
import math

from .mesh_clipper import MeshClipper
from .rotations import cardan_to_rotmat, rotmat_to_cardan
from math import degrees, radians

from meshmagick import __version__ as version

__author__ = "Francois Rongere"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2015, Ecole Centrale de Nantes / D-ICE ENGINEERING"
__credits__ = "Francois Rongere"
__licence__ = "GPLv3"
__maintainer__ = "Francois Rongere"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs]def compute_hydrostatics(mesh, cog, rho_water, grav, rotmat_corr=np.eye(3), z_corr=0., at_cog=False, lpp=None, orig_at_ap=False): wmesh = mesh.copy() wmesh.rotate_matrix(rotmat_corr) wmesh.translate_z(z_corr) wcog = cog.copy() wcog =, wcog) wcog[2] += z_corr try: clipper = MeshClipper(wmesh, assert_closed_boundaries=True, verbose=False) except RuntimeError as err: raise err cmesh = clipper.clipped_mesh wet_surface_area = cmesh.faces_areas.sum() inertia = cmesh.eval_plain_mesh_inertias(rho_water) xb, yb, zb = inertia.gravity_center buoyancy_center = np.array([xb, yb, zb]) disp_volume = inertia.mass / rho_water # Computing quantities from intersection polygons sigma0 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} dS = waterplane_area sigma1 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} x dS sigma2 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} y dS sigma3 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} xy dS sigma4 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} x^2 dS sigma5 = 0. # \iint_{waterplane_area} y^2 dS xmin = [] xmax = [] ymin = [] ymax = [] polygons = clipper.closed_polygons for polygon in polygons: polyverts = clipper.clipped_crown_mesh.vertices[polygon] if at_cog: # To get the stiffness expressed at cog polyverts[:, 0] -= xb polyverts[:, 1] -= yb # TODO: voir si on conserve ce test... if np.any(np.fabs(polyverts[:, 2]) > 1e-3): print('The intersection polygon is not on the plane z=0') xi, yi = polyverts[0, :2] for (xii, yii) in polyverts[1:, :2]: dx = xii - xi dy = yii - yi px = xi + xii py = yi + yii sigma0 += dy * px sigma1 += dy * (px * px - xi * xii) sigma2 += dx * (py * py - yi * yii) sigma3 += dy * (py * px * px + yi * xi * xi + yii * xii * xii) sigma4 += dy * (xi * xi + xii * xii) * px sigma5 += dx * (yi * yi + yii * yii) * py xi, yi = xii, yii xmin.append(polyverts[:, 0].min()) xmax.append(polyverts[:, 0].max()) ymin.append(polyverts[:, 1].min()) ymax.append(polyverts[:, 1].max()) minx, maxx = [min(xmin), max(xmax)] miny, maxy = [min(ymin), max(ymax)] sigma0 /= 2 sigma1 /= 6 sigma2 /= -6 sigma3 /= 24 sigma4 /= 12 sigma5 /= -12 # Flotation surface waterplane_area = sigma0 # Stiffness matrix coefficients that do not depend on the position of the gravity center rhog = rho_water * grav s33 = rhog * waterplane_area s34 = rhog * sigma2 s35 = -rhog * sigma1 s45 = -rhog * sigma3 # Metacentric radius (Bouguer formulae) transversal_metacentric_radius = sigma5 / disp_volume # Around Ox longitudinal_metacentric_radius = sigma4 / disp_volume # Around Oy # Metacentric height zcog = wcog[2] a = zcog - zb # BG transversal_metacentric_height = transversal_metacentric_radius - a longitudinal_metacentric_height = longitudinal_metacentric_radius - a # Stiffness matrix coefficients that depend on the position of the gravity center s44 = rhog * disp_volume * transversal_metacentric_height s55 = rhog * disp_volume * longitudinal_metacentric_height # Assembling stiffness matrix stiffness_matrix = np.array([[s33, s34, s35], [s34, s44, s45], [s35, s45, s55]], dtype=float) # Zeroing tiny coefficients stiffness_matrix[np.fabs(stiffness_matrix) < 1e-4] = 0. # Flotation center F: x_f = -s35 / s33 y_f = s34 / s33 if at_cog: # To get the flotation center expressed in the initial mesh frame x_f += xb y_f += yb waterplane_center = np.array([x_f, y_f, -z_corr]) waterplane_center =, waterplane_center) # Buoyancy center in the initial frame buoyancy_center[2] -= z_corr buoyancy_center =, buoyancy_center) # bounding box xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = cmesh.axis_aligned_bbox # Storing data hs_data = dict() hs_data['grav'] = grav hs_data['rho_water'] = rho_water hs_data["mesh"] = mesh.copy() hs_data["rotmat_eq"] = rotmat_corr hs_data["z_eq"] = z_corr hs_data["cog"] = cog.copy() hs_data['wet_surface_area'] = wet_surface_area hs_data['disp_volume'] = disp_volume hs_data['disp_mass'] = rho_water * disp_volume hs_data['buoyancy_center'] = buoyancy_center hs_data['waterplane_center'] = waterplane_center hs_data['waterplane_area'] = waterplane_area hs_data['transversal_metacentric_radius'] = transversal_metacentric_radius hs_data['longitudinal_metacentric_radius'] = longitudinal_metacentric_radius hs_data['transversal_metacentric_height'] = transversal_metacentric_height hs_data['longitudinal_metacentric_height'] = longitudinal_metacentric_height hs_data['stiffness_matrix'] = stiffness_matrix hs_data['length_at_waterline'] = maxx - minx hs_data['breadth_at_waterline'] = maxy - miny hs_data['length_overall_submerged'] = xmax - xmin hs_data['breadth_overall_submerged'] = ymax - ymin hs_data['draught'] = math.fabs(zmin) hs_data['forward_perpendicular'] = maxx + xb hs_data['breadth'] = maxy - miny hs_data['trust_lpp'] = True if lpp is not None: hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'] = lpp else: if orig_at_ap: hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'] = hs_data['forward_perpendicular'] else: hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'] = hs_data['length_at_waterline'] hs_data['trust_lpp'] = False inertia.set_cog(wcog) inertia.shift_at_cog() hs_data['Ixx'] = inertia.xx hs_data['Iyy'] = inertia.yy hs_data['Izz'] = inertia.zz hs_data['Ixy'] = inertia.xy hs_data['Ixz'] = inertia.xz hs_data['Iyz'] = inertia.yz return hs_data
[docs]def displacement_equilibrium(mesh, disp_tons, rho_water, grav, cog=np.zeros(3), reltol=1e-6, verbose=False): if verbose: print("========================") print("Displacement equilibrium") print("========================") print("Target displacement: {:.3f} tons".format(disp_tons)) hs_data = dict() disp_kg = disp_tons * 1000 itermax = 100 iter = 1 z_corr = 0. # Relaxation distance adapted to the size of the mesh _, _, _, _, zmin, zmax = mesh.axis_aligned_bbox z_relax = (zmax - zmin) / 5 while True: if iter == itermax: print("No convergence after %s" % itermax) break try: hs_data = compute_hydrostatics(mesh, cog, rho_water, grav, z_corr=z_corr) except RuntimeError as err: position = err.args[2] if position == 'below': z_corr = -zmax + (zmax - zmin) * 1e-4 # FIXME: is this choice robust ? hs_data = compute_hydrostatics(mesh, cog, rho_water, grav, z_corr=z_corr) warnings.warn( "Impossible to reach a displacement of %.3f tons because of the mesh extend. Limited to %.3f tons" % (disp_tons, hs_data['disp_mass'] * 0.001)) return z_corr else: raise err disp_volume = hs_data["disp_volume"] waterplane_area = hs_data["waterplane_area"] mass_residual = rho_water * disp_volume - disp_kg dz = mass_residual / (rho_water * waterplane_area) # Convergence criterion if math.fabs(mass_residual / disp_kg) < reltol: break # Relaxation of the correction: z correction is bounded by z_relax to avoid divergence if math.fabs(dz) > z_relax: dz = math.copysign(z_relax, dz) z_corr += dz iter += 1 if verbose: print("Achieved displacement: {:.3f} tons ({:d} iterations)".format(hs_data["disp_mass"] / 1000., iter)) return z_corr
[docs]def full_equilibrium(mesh, cog, disp_tons, rho_water, grav, reltol=1e-6, verbose=False): if verbose: print("========================") print("3DOF equilibrium") print("========================") print("Target diplacement: {:.3f} tons".format(disp_tons)) print("COG pos: ", cog) disp_kg = disp_tons * 1000 rhog = rho_water * grav mg = disp_kg * grav wmesh = mesh.copy() # Initial equilibrium in displacement z_corr = displacement_equilibrium(wmesh, disp_tons, rho_water, grav, reltol=reltol, verbose=False) rotmat_corr = np.eye(3) hs_data = dict() itermax = 100 iter = 1 while True: if iter == itermax: print("No convergence after %s" % itermax) break wcog = cog.copy() wcog =, wcog) wcog[2] += z_corr # Computing hydrostatics properties hs_data = compute_hydrostatics(mesh, cog, rho_water, grav, rotmat_corr=rotmat_corr, z_corr=z_corr) # Computing the residue xg, yg, zg = wcog buoyancy_center = hs_data["buoyancy_center"] buoyancy_center =, buoyancy_center) buoyancy_center[2] += z_corr xb, yb, zb = buoyancy_center disp_volume = hs_data['disp_volume'] rhogv = rhog * disp_volume residue = np.array([rhogv - mg, rhogv * yb - mg * yg, -rhogv * xb + mg * xg]) # Computing scale for nondimensionalization breadth = hs_data['breadth'] lwl = hs_data['length_at_waterline'] scale = np.array([mg, mg * breadth, mg * lwl]) # Convergence criterion if np.all(np.fabs(residue / scale) < reltol): print("\t>>> Convergence reached in %u iterations" % iter) break # Solving for the next incremental correction tz, rx, ry = np.linalg.solve(hs_data["stiffness_matrix"], residue) # Relaxation _, _, _, _, zmin, zmax = wmesh.axis_aligned_bbox z_relax = (zmax - zmin) / 5 if math.fabs(tz) > z_relax: tz = math.copysign(z_relax, tz) rx_relax = ry_relax = radians(2) if math.fabs(rx) > rx_relax: rx = math.copysign(rx_relax, rx) if math.fabs(ry) > ry_relax: ry = math.copysign(ry_relax, ry) rotmat_corr =, ry, 0.), rotmat_corr) # fonctionne ! z_corr += tz iter += 1 return z_corr, rotmat_corr
[docs]def get_hydrostatic_report(hs_data): """Returns a hydrostatic report for the current configuration Returns ------- str """ def hspace(): return '\n' def build_line(text, data, precision=3, dtype='f'): # TODO: ajouter unit textwidth = 45 try: line = '\t{:-<{textwidth}}> {:< .{precision}{dtype}}\n'.format(str(text).upper(), data, precision=precision, textwidth=textwidth, dtype=dtype ) # ValueError for Python 2 # TypeError for Python 3 except (ValueError, TypeError): if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): data = np.asarray(data) if data.ndim == 1: data_str = ''.join(['{:< 10.{precision}{dtype}}'.format(val, precision=precision, dtype=dtype) for val in data]) line = '\t{:-<{textwidth}}> {}\n'.format(str(text).upper(), data_str, textwidth=textwidth) # else: # print data return line print('\n\n') msg = "HYDROSTATIC REPORT (Meshmagick version %s)\n\n" % version msg += '[1]\tCorrections made on initial mesh:\n' msg += build_line('Z correction (M)', hs_data['z_eq'], precision=3) heel, trim, _ = rotmat_to_cardan(hs_data['rotmat_eq']) msg += build_line('Heel correction (deg)', degrees(heel), precision=3) msg += build_line('Trim correction (deg)', degrees(trim), precision=3) msg += hspace() msg += build_line('Gravity acceleration (M/S**2)', hs_data['grav'], precision=2) msg += build_line('Density of water (kg/M**3)', hs_data['rho_water'], precision=1) msg += hspace() msg += build_line('Waterplane area (M**2)', hs_data['waterplane_area'], precision=1) msg += build_line('Waterplane center (M)', hs_data['waterplane_center'], precision=3) msg += build_line('Wetted Surface Area (M**2)', hs_data['wet_surface_area'], precision=1) msg += build_line('Displacement volume (M**3)', hs_data['disp_volume'], precision=3) msg += build_line('Displacement mass (tons)', hs_data['disp_mass'] / 1000., precision=3) msg += build_line('Buoyancy center (M)', hs_data["buoyancy_center"], precision=3) msg += build_line('Center of gravity (M)', hs_data['cog'], precision=3) msg += hspace() msg += build_line('Draft (M)', hs_data['draught'], precision=3) # TODO msg += build_line('Length overall submerged (M)', hs_data['length_overall_submerged'], precision=2) msg += build_line('Breadth overall submerged (M)', hs_data['breadth_overall_submerged'], precision=2) msg += build_line('Length at Waterline LWL (M)', hs_data['length_at_waterline'], precision=2) msg += build_line('Forward perpendicular FP (M)', hs_data['forward_perpendicular'], precision=2) if hs_data['trust_lpp']: msg += build_line('Length between perpendiculars Lpp (M)', hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'], precision=2) else: msg += build_line('[2] Length between perpendiculars Lpp (M)', hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'], precision=2) msg += hspace() msg += build_line('Transversal metacentric radius (M)', hs_data['transversal_metacentric_radius'], precision=3) msg += build_line('Longitudinal metacentric radius (M)', hs_data['longitudinal_metacentric_radius'], precision=3) msg += build_line('Transversal metacentric height GMt (M)', hs_data['transversal_metacentric_height'], precision=3) msg += build_line('Longitudinal metacentric height GMl (M)', hs_data['longitudinal_metacentric_height'], precision=3) if hs_data['transversal_metacentric_height'] < 0.: msg += '\t<<< TRANSVERSALLY UNSTABLE >>>\n' if hs_data['longitudinal_metacentric_height'] < 0.: msg += '\t<<< LONGITUDINALLY UNSTABLE >>>\n' msg += hspace() msg += '\tHYDROSTATIC STIFFNESS COEFFICIENTS (at COG horiz. Pos.):\n' msg += build_line('K33 (N/M)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][0, 0], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += build_line('K34 (N)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][0, 1], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += build_line('K35 (N)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][0, 2], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += build_line('K44 (N.M)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][1, 1], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += build_line('K45 (N.M)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][1, 2], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += build_line('K55 (N.M)', hs_data['stiffness_matrix'][2, 2], precision=4, dtype='E') msg += hspace() if hs_data['trust_lpp']: msg += '\tINERTIAS from standard approximations: [Rxx = 0.3 B; Ryy = Rzz = 0.25 Lpp]\n' else: msg += '[2]\tINERTIAS from standard approximations: [Rxx = 0.3 B; Ryy = Rzz = 0.25 Lpp]\n' Rxx = 0.3 * hs_data['breadth_overall_submerged'] Ryy_zz = 0.25 * hs_data['length_between_perpendiculars'] msg += build_line('Rxx (M)', Rxx, precision=3) msg += build_line('Ryy (M)', Ryy_zz, precision=3) msg += build_line('Rzz (M)', Ryy_zz, precision=3) msg += build_line('Ixx', Rxx ** 2 * hs_data['disp_mass'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += build_line('Iyy', Ryy_zz ** 2 * hs_data['disp_mass'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += build_line('Izz', Ryy_zz ** 2 * hs_data['disp_mass'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += hspace() msg += '\tINERTIAS from homogeneous immersed hull approximation:\n' msg += build_line('Rxx', math.sqrt(hs_data['Ixx'] / hs_data['disp_mass']), precision=3) msg += build_line('Ryy', math.sqrt(hs_data['Iyy'] / hs_data['disp_mass']), precision=3) msg += build_line('Rzz', math.sqrt(hs_data['Izz'] / hs_data['disp_mass']), precision=3) msg += build_line('Ixx', hs_data['Ixx'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += build_line('Iyy', hs_data['Iyy'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += build_line('Izz', hs_data['Izz'], precision=3, dtype='E') msg += hspace() msg += hspace() msg += "NOTES\n" msg += "=====\n" msg += "[1] To get computed hydrostatic equilibrium position from initial mesh, corrections must be \n" \ " applied in the following order:\n" \ " \t* First rotations around initial X & Y axes w.r.t initial frame origin\n" \ " \t* Second Z translation along initial Z-axis (not the one obtained after the rotations)\n" if not hs_data['trust_lpp']: msg += "[2] Not enough information to get a trusted Lpp. It has been approximated by Lwl instead.\n" \ " It has an influence on the Iyy and Izz inertias calculated from standard approximations.\n" \ " To get more accurate results, please specify a Lpp." return msg