Source code for meshmagick.mesh

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module concerns mesh data structures.

TODO: mettre des examples d'utilisation

import numpy as np
import math
import copy
import vtk
from itertools import count
from warnings import warn
import sys  # TODO: Retirer

from .tools import merge_duplicate_rows
from . import MMviewer
from .inertia import RigidBodyInertia

__author__ = "Francois Rongere"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2015, Ecole Centrale de Nantes / D-ICE ENGINEERING"
__credits__ = "Francois Rongere"
__licence__ = "GPLv3"
__maintainer__ = "Francois Rongere"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

# TODO: Use traitlets to manage updates into the Mesh class
# TODO: les points doivent etre des objects nodes...
# TODO: On doit pouvoir specifier des objets frame
# TODO: voir si on ne peut pas mettre ces fonctions dans un module dedie --> module rotation !!!

from .rotations import cardan_to_rotmat, rotmat_to_cardan

def _rodrigues(thetax, thetay):
    Computes the rotation matrix corresponding to angles thetax and thetay using the Olinde-Rodrigues formula

    thetax : float
        Angle around Ox axe (rad)
        Angle around Oy axe (rad)
    rot : ndarray
        Rotation matrix

    theta = math.sqrt(thetax*thetax + thetay*thetay)
    if theta == 0.:
        nx = ny = 0.
        ctheta = 1.
        stheta = 0.
        nx, ny = thetax/theta, thetay/theta
        ctheta = math.cos(theta)
        stheta = math.sin(theta)
    nxny = nx*ny

    # Olinde Rodrigues formulae
    # FIXME: S'assurer qu'on a effectivement pas de Ctheta devant le I3 !! et repercuter sur l'hydrostatique
    rot = ctheta*np.eye(3) \
        + (1-ctheta) * np.array([[nx*nx, nxny, 0.],
                                 [nxny, ny*ny, 0.],
                                 [0., 0., 0.]]) \
        + stheta * np.array([[0., 0.,  ny],
                             [0., 0., -nx],
                             [-ny, nx, 0.]])
    return rot

def _cardan(phi, theta):
    Computes the rotation matrix corresponding to angles phi (roll) and theta (pitch) using Cardan angles convention

    phi : float
        Roll angle (rad)
    theta : float
        Pitch angel (rad)

    R : ndarray
        Rotation matrix

    # Rotation matrix
    cphi = math.cos(phi)
    sphi = math.sin(phi)
    ctheta = math.cos(theta)
    stheta = math.sin(theta)

    rot_e0 = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
    rot_e0[0] = [ctheta, 0., -stheta]
    rot_e0[1] = [sphi*stheta, cphi, sphi*ctheta]
    rot_e0[2] = [cphi*stheta, -sphi, cphi*ctheta]

    return rot_e0

def _get_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y, atype='fixed'):
    Computes rotation matrix using different angle conventions

    theta_x : float
        Angle around x (rad)
    theta_y : float
        Angle around y (rad)
    atype : {'fixed', 'cardan'}, optional
        Angle convention to use. Default to 'fixed' (fixed axes)

        Rotation matrix

    if atype == 'fixed':
        rot_matrix = _rodrigues(theta_x, theta_y)
    elif atype == 'cardan':
        rot_matrix = _cardan(theta_x, theta_y)
        raise AttributeError('Unknown angle convention: %s' % atype)

    return rot_matrix

def _get_axis_angle_from_rotation_matrix(rot_matrix):
    """Returns the angle and unit rotation axis from a rotation matrix"""
    warn('Fonction _get_axis_angle_from_rotation_matrix a verifier !!!')
    theta = math.acos((np.trace(rot_matrix) - 1.) * 0.5)
    direction = (1./(2.*math.sin(theta))) * np.array([rot_matrix[2, 1] - rot_matrix[1, 2],
                                                      rot_matrix[0, 2] - rot_matrix[2, 0],
                                                      rot_matrix[1, 0] - rot_matrix[0, 1]])
    return theta, direction

# Classes
# TODO: placer cette classe dans un module a part (genre geometry) --> utilise dans meshmagick aussi...
[docs]class Plane(object): """Class to handle plane geometry. A plane is represented by the equation :math:`\\vec{n}.\\vec{x} = c` where :math:`\\vec{n}` is the plane's normal, :math:`\\vec{x}` a point in the space and :math:`c` a scalar parameter being the signed distance between the reference frame origin and the its otrhogonal projection on the plane. Parameters ---------- normal : array_like 3 component vector of the plane normal scalar : float The scalar parameter of the plane """ def __init__(self, normal=(0., 0., 1.), scalar=0., name=None): normal = np.asarray(normal, dtype=float) self._normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) self._scalar = float(scalar) # Storing rotation matrix (redundant !) to speedup computations # Shall be _update in methods !!! --> using decorator ? theta_x, theta_y = self.get_normal_orientation_wrt_z() self._rot = _get_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y) = str(name) def __str__(self): str_repr = "Plane{normal=[%f, %f, %f], scalar=%f}" % \ (self._normal[0], self._normal[1], self._normal[2], self._scalar) return str_repr @property def normal(self): """Get the plane's normal""" return self._normal @normal.setter def normal(self, value): """Set the plane's normal""" value = np.asarray(value, dtype=float) self._normal = value / np.linalg.norm(value) @property def c(self): """Get the plane's scalar parameter""" return self._scalar @c.setter def c(self, value): """Set the scalar parameter of the plane equation""" self._scalar = float(value)
[docs] def rotate_normal(self, theta_x, theta_y): """ Rotates the current plane normal by fixed angles theta_x and theta_y. Parameters ---------- theta_x : float Angle of rotation around Ox (rad) theta_y : float Angle of rotation around Oy (rad) """ rot_matrix = _get_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y) self.normal =, self.normal) # updating self._rot self._rot =, self._rot)
[docs] def set_normal_from_angles(self, theta_x, theta_y): """Set the normal orientation given angles theta_x and theta_y. Parameters ---------- theta_x : float Angle around Ox (rad) theta_y : float Angle around Oy (rad) """ theta = math.sqrt(theta_x * theta_x + theta_y * theta_y) if theta == 0.: self.normal[:] = [0., 0., 1.] # updating self._rot self._rot = np.eye(3) else: stheta_theta = math.sin(theta) / theta ctheta = math.cos(theta) self.normal[:] = np.array([stheta_theta * theta_y, -stheta_theta * theta_x, ctheta]) # Updating self._rot self._rot = _get_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y)
[docs] def get_normal_orientation_wrt_z(self): """Returns the angles theta_x and theta_y giving the orientation of the plane normal""" nx, ny, nz = self.normal stheta = math.sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny) ctheta = nz theta_x = theta_y = 0. if stheta == 0.: if nz == 1.: theta_x = theta_y = 0. elif nz == -1.: theta_x = math.pi theta_y = 0. else: theta = math.atan2(stheta, ctheta) theta_stheta = theta / stheta theta_x = -theta_stheta * ny theta_y = theta_stheta * nx return theta_x, theta_y
[docs] def set_plane_parameters(self, scalar, theta_x, theta_y): """ Updates the plane parameters (normal and scalar parameter) given scalar and angles. Parameters ---------- scalar : float Plane scalar parameter (m) theta_x : float Normal angle around Ox (rad) theta_y : float Normal angle around Oy (rad) """ self.rotate_normal(theta_x, theta_y) ctheta = math.cos(math.sqrt(theta_x * theta_x + theta_y * theta_y)) self._scalar = self._scalar * ctheta + scalar
[docs] def get_point_dist_wrt_plane(self, points): """ Return the orthogonal distance of points with respect to the plane Parameters ---------- points : ndarray Array of points coordinates Returns ------- dist : ndarray Array of distances of points with respect to the plane """ return, self._normal) - self._scalar
[docs] def flip_normal(self): """ Flips the Normal of the plane """ self.normal *= -1 theta_x, theta_y = self.get_normal_orientation_wrt_z() self._rot = _get_rotation_matrix(theta_x, theta_y)
[docs] def coord_in_plane(self, points): """ Return the coordinates of points in the frame of the plane Parameters ---------- points : ndarray Array of points coordinates Returns ------- output : ndarray Array of points coordinates in the frame of the plane """ # TODO: verifier effectivement que si on prend des points se trouvant dans le plan, leurs coordonnees dans le # plan n'ont pas de composante z return -self._scalar * self.normal + np.transpose(, points.T))
[docs] def get_edge_intersection(self, p0, p1): """ Returns the coordinates of the intersection point between the plane and the edge P0P1. Parameters ---------- p0 : ndarray Coordinates of point p0 p1 : ndarray Coordinates of point P1 Returns ------- I : ndarray Coordinates of intersection point """ assert len(p0) == 3 and len(p1) == 3 p0n =, self.normal) p1n =, self.normal) t = (p0n - self._scalar) / (p0n - p1n) if t < 0. or t > 1.: raise RuntimeError('Intersection is outside the edge') return (1-t) * p0 + t * p1
[docs] def orthogonal_projection_on_plane(self, points): """ Returns the coordinates of the orthogonal projection of points Parameters ---------- points : ndarray Coordinates of the points to be projected Returns ------- projected_points : ndarray Coordinates of the projection points """ # TODO: passer en vectoriel projected_points = np.zeros_like(points) for point, projected_point in zip(points, projected_points): projected_point[:] = point - self.get_point_dist_wrt_plane(point) * self.normal return projected_points
[docs] def get_origin(self): """Get the coordinates of the plane's origin""" return self.c * self.normal
class _3DPointsArray(np.ndarray): def __new__(cls, points): obj = np.asarray(points).view(cls) cls.x = property(fget=lambda cls: cls[:, 0]) cls.y = property(fget=lambda cls: cls[:, 1]) cls.z = property(fget=lambda cls: cls[:, 2]) return obj
[docs]class Mesh(object): """A class to handle unstructured meshes. Parameters ---------- vertices : array_like (nv x 3) Array of mesh vertices coordinates. Each line of the array represents one vertex coordinates faces : array_like Arrays of mesh connectivities for faces. Each line of the array represents indices of vertices that form the face, expressed in counterclockwise order to ensure outward normals description. name : str, optional The mesh's name. If None, mesh is given an automatic name based on its internal ID. """ _ids = count(0) def __init__(self, vertices, faces, name=None): self.__internals__ = dict() assert np.array(vertices).shape[1] == 3 assert np.array(faces).shape[1] == 4 self._vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=float) self._faces = np.array(faces, dtype=int) self._id = next(self._ids) if not name: self._name = 'mesh_%u' % self._id else: self._name = str(name) self._verbose = False
[docs] def __str__(self): """String representation of the mesh Returns ------- str """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self.axis_aligned_bbox str_repr = """ -------------------------------------------- \tMESH NAME : %s -------------------------------------------- Number of vertices: %u Number of faces: %u Number of triangles: %u Number of quadrangles: %u xmin = %f\txmax = %f ymin = %f\tymax = %f zmin = %f\tzmax = %f """ % (, self.nb_vertices, self.nb_faces, self.nb_triangles, self.nb_quadrangles, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax ) return str_repr
[docs] def print_quality(self): """Returns data on the mesh quality It uses VTK and is reproduced from;a=blob;f=Filters/Verdict/Testing/Python/ """ # This function is reproduced from #;a=blob;f=Filters/Verdict/Testing/Python/ polydata = self._vtk_polydata() quality = vtk.vtkMeshQuality() if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5: quality.SetInput(polydata) else: quality.SetInputData(polydata) def DumpQualityStats(iq, arrayname): an = iq.GetOutput().GetFieldData().GetArray(arrayname) cardinality = an.GetComponent(0, 4) range = list() range.append(an.GetComponent(0, 0)) range.append(an.GetComponent(0, 2)) average = an.GetComponent(0, 1) stdDev = math.sqrt(math.fabs(an.GetComponent(0, 3))) outStr = '%s%g%s%g\n%s%g%s%g' % ( ' range: ', range[0], ' - ', range[1], ' average: ', average, ' , standard deviation: ', stdDev) return outStr # Here we define the various mesh types and labels for output. meshTypes = [ ['Triangle', 'Triangle', [['QualityMeasureToArea', ' Area Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToEdgeRatio', ' Edge Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToAspectRatio', ' Aspect Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToRadiusRatio', ' Radius Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToAspectFrobenius', ' Frobenius Norm:'], ['QualityMeasureToMinAngle', ' Minimal Angle:'] ] ], ['Quad', 'Quadrilateral', [['QualityMeasureToArea', ' Area Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToEdgeRatio', ' Edge Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToAspectRatio', ' Aspect Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToRadiusRatio', ' Radius Ratio:'], ['QualityMeasureToMedAspectFrobenius', ' Average Frobenius Norm:'], ['QualityMeasureToMaxAspectFrobenius', ' Maximal Frobenius Norm:'], ['QualityMeasureToMinAngle', ' Minimal Angle:'] ] ] ] res = '' if polydata.GetNumberOfCells() > 0: for meshType in meshTypes: res += '\n%s%s' % (meshType[1], ' quality of the mesh ') quality.Update() an = quality.GetOutput().GetFieldData().GetArray('Mesh ' + meshType[1] + ' Quality') cardinality = an.GetComponent(0, 4) res = ''.join((res, '(%u elements):\n' % cardinality)) # res += '('+str(cardinality) +meshType[1]+'):\n' for measure in meshType[2]: eval('quality.Set' + meshType[0] + measure[0] + '()') quality.Update() res += '\n%s\n%s' % ( measure[1], DumpQualityStats(quality, 'Mesh ' + meshType[1] + ' Quality') ) res += '\n' info = """\n\nDefinition of the different quality measures is given in the verdict library manual :\n""" res += info print(res) return
@property def verbose(self): """Get verbosity Returns ------- bool """ return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, value): self._verbose = bool(value) return
[docs] def verbose_on(self): """Set the verbosity level of the instance to on.""" self._verbose = True return
[docs] def verbose_off(self): """Set the verbosity level of the instance to off.""" self._verbose = False return
@property def id(self): """Get the id of the mesh Returns ------- int hash id of the instance """ return self._id @property def name(self): """Get the name of the mesh""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = str(value) return @property def nb_vertices(self): """Get the number of vertices in the mesh Returns ------- int """ return self._vertices.shape[0] @property def nb_faces(self): """Get the number of faces in the mesh Returns ------- int """ return self._faces.shape[0] @property def vertices(self): """Get the vertices array coordinate of the mesh Returns ------- np.ndarray """ return self._vertices @property def faces(self): """Get the faces connectivity array of the mesh Returns ------- ndarray """ return self._faces @vertices.setter def vertices(self, value): self._vertices = np.asarray(value, dtype=float).copy() # self._vertices.setflags(write=False) self.__internals__.clear() return @faces.setter def faces(self, value): self._faces = np.asarray(value, dtype=int).copy() # self._faces.setflags(write=False) self.__internals__.clear() return def _faces_properties(self): """Updates the faces properties of the mesh""" # faces_areas, faces_normals, faces_centers = mm.get_all_faces_properties(self._vertices, self._faces) nf = self.nb_faces # triangle_mask = _faces[:, 0] == _faces[:, -1] # nb_triangles = np.sum(triangle_mask) # quads_mask = np.invert(triangle_mask) # nb_quads = nf - nb_triangles faces_areas = np.zeros(nf, dtype=float) faces_normals = np.zeros((nf, 3), dtype=float) faces_centers = np.zeros((nf, 3), dtype=float) # Collectively dealing with triangles # triangles = _faces[triangle_mask] triangles_id = self.triangles_ids triangles = self._faces[triangles_id] triangles_normals = np.cross(self._vertices[triangles[:, 1]] - self._vertices[triangles[:, 0]], self._vertices[triangles[:, 2]] - self._vertices[triangles[:, 0]]) triangles_areas = np.linalg.norm(triangles_normals, axis=1) faces_normals[triangles_id] = triangles_normals / np.array(([triangles_areas, ] * 3)).T faces_areas[triangles_id] = triangles_areas / 2. faces_centers[triangles_id] = np.sum(self._vertices[triangles[:, :3]], axis=1) / 3. # Collectively dealing with quads quads_id = self.quadrangles_ids quads = self._faces[quads_id] # quads = _faces[quads_mask] quads_normals = np.cross(self._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 0]], self._vertices[quads[:, 3]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 1]]) faces_normals[quads_id] = quads_normals / np.array(([np.linalg.norm(quads_normals, axis=1), ] * 3)).T a1 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(self._vertices[quads[:, 1]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 0]], self._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 0]]), axis=1) * 0.5 a2 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(self._vertices[quads[:, 3]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 0]], self._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - self._vertices[quads[:, 0]]), axis=1) * 0.5 faces_areas[quads_id] = a1 + a2 c1 = np.sum(self._vertices[quads[:, :3]], axis=1) / 3. c2 = (np.sum(self._vertices[quads[:, 2:4]], axis=1) + self._vertices[quads[:, 0]]) / 3. faces_centers[quads_id] = (np.array(([a1, ] * 3)).T * c1 + np.array(([a2, ] * 3)).T * c2) faces_centers[quads_id] /= np.array(([faces_areas[quads_id], ] * 3)).T faces_properties = {'faces_areas': faces_areas, 'faces_normals': faces_normals, 'faces_centers': faces_centers} self.__internals__.update(faces_properties) return def _has_faces_properties(self): return 'faces_areas' in self.__internals__ def _remove_faces_properties(self): if self._has_faces_properties(): del self.__internals__['faces_areas'] del self.__internals__['faces_centers'] del self.__internals__['faces_normals'] if self.has_surface_integrals(): del self.__internals__['surface_integrals'] if self._has_triangles_quadrangles(): self._remove_triangles_quadrangles() return @property def faces_areas(self): """Get the array of faces areas of the mesh Returns ------- ndarray """ if 'faces_areas' not in self.__internals__: self._faces_properties() return self.__internals__['faces_areas'] @property def faces_centers(self): """Get the array of faces centers of the mesh Returns ------- ndarray """ if 'faces_centers' not in self.__internals__: self._faces_properties() return self.__internals__['faces_centers'] @property def faces_normals(self): """Get the array of faces normals of the mesh Returns ------- ndarray """ if 'faces_normals' not in self.__internals__: self._faces_properties() return self.__internals__['faces_normals'] def _triangles_quadrangles(self): triangle_mask = (self._faces[:, 0] == self._faces[:, -1]) quadrangles_mask = np.invert(triangle_mask) triangles_quadrangles = {'triangles_ids': np.where(triangle_mask)[0], 'quadrangles_ids': np.where(quadrangles_mask)[0]} self.__internals__.update(triangles_quadrangles) return def _has_triangles_quadrangles(self): return 'triangles_ids' in self.__internals__ def _remove_triangles_quadrangles(self): if 'triangles_ids' in self.__internals__: del self.__internals__['triangles_ids'] del self.__internals__['quadrangles_ids'] return @property def triangles_ids(self): """Get the array of ids of triangle shaped faces Returns ------- ndarray """ if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__: self._triangles_quadrangles() return self.__internals__['triangles_ids'] @property def nb_triangles(self): """Get the number of triangles in the mesh Returns ------- int """ if 'triangles_ids'not in self.__internals__: self._triangles_quadrangles() return len(self.__internals__['triangles_ids']) @property def quadrangles_ids(self): """Get the array of ids of qudrangle shaped faces Returns ------- ndarray """ if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__: self._triangles_quadrangles() return self.__internals__['quadrangles_ids'] @property def nb_quadrangles(self): """Get the number of quadrangles in the mesh Returns ------- int """ if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__: self._triangles_quadrangles() return len(self.__internals__['quadrangles_ids'])
[docs] def is_triangle(self, face_id): """Returns if a face is a triangle Parameters ---------- face_id : int Face id Returns ------- bool True if the face with id face_id is a triangle """ assert 0 <= face_id < self.nb_faces return self._faces[face_id, 0] == self._faces[face_id, -1]
[docs] def get_face(self, face_id): """Get the face described by its vertices connectivity Parameters ---------- face_id : int Face id Returns ------- ndarray If the face is a triangle, the array has 3 components, else it has 4 (quadrangle) """ if self.is_triangle(face_id): return self._faces[face_id, :3] else: return self._faces[face_id]
[docs] def extract_faces(self, id_faces_to_extract, return_index=False): """ Extracts a new mesh from a selection of faces ids Parameters ---------- id_faces_to_extract : ndarray Indices of faces that have to be extracted return_index: bool Flag to output old indices Returns ------- Mesh A new Mesh instance composed of the extracted faces """ nv = self.nb_vertices # Determination of the vertices to keep vertices_mask = np.zeros(nv, dtype=bool) vertices_mask[self._faces[id_faces_to_extract].flatten()] = True id_v = np.arange(nv)[vertices_mask] # Building up the vertex array v_extracted = self._vertices[id_v] new_id__v = np.arange(nv) new_id__v[id_v] = np.arange(len(id_v)) faces_extracted = self._faces[id_faces_to_extract] faces_extracted = new_id__v[faces_extracted.flatten()].reshape((len(id_faces_to_extract), 4)) extracted_mesh = Mesh(v_extracted, faces_extracted) extracted_mesh._verbose = self._verbose = 'mesh_extracted_from_%s' % if return_index: return extracted_mesh, id_v else: return extracted_mesh
def _vtk_polydata(self): # TODO: placer cette methode dans MMviewer !! # Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it points = vtk.vtkPoints() for point in self._vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(point) # Create a vtkCellArray to store faces faces = vtk.vtkCellArray() for face_ids in self._faces: if face_ids[0] == face_ids[-1]: # Triangle curface = face_ids[:3] vtk_face = vtk.vtkTriangle() else: # Quadrangle curface = face_ids[:4] vtk_face = vtk.vtkQuad() for idx, id in enumerate(curface): vtk_face.GetPointIds().SetId(idx, id) faces.InsertNextCell(vtk_face) vtk_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() vtk_polydata.SetPoints(points) vtk_polydata.SetPolys(faces) return vtk_polydata
[docs] def show(self): """Shows the mesh in the meshmagick viewer""" vtk_polydata = self._vtk_polydata() self.viewer = MMviewer.MMViewer() self.viewer.add_polydata(vtk_polydata) self.viewer.finalize()
def _connectivity(self): """Updates the connectivities of the mesh. It concerns further connectivity than simple faces/vertices connectivities. It computes the vertices / vertices, vertices / faces and faces / faces connectivities. Note ---- Note that if the mesh is not conformal, the algorithm may not perform correctly """ nv = self.nb_vertices nf = self.nb_faces mesh_closed = True # Building connectivities # Establishing v_v and v_f connectivities v_v = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nv)]) v_f = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nv)]) for (iface, face) in enumerate(self._faces): if face[0] == face[-1]: face_w = face[:3] else: face_w = face for (index, iV) in enumerate(face_w): v_f[iV].add(iface) v_v[face_w[index - 1]].add(iV) v_v[iV].add(face_w[index - 1]) # Connectivity f_f boundary_edges = dict() f_f = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nf)]) for ivertex in range(nv): set1 = v_f[ivertex] for iadj_v in v_v[ivertex]: set2 = v_f[iadj_v] intersection = list(set1 & set2) if len(intersection) == 2: f_f[intersection[0]].add(intersection[1]) f_f[intersection[1]].add(intersection[0]) elif len(intersection) == 1: boundary_face = self._faces[intersection[0]] if boundary_face[0] == boundary_face[-1]: boundary_face = boundary_face[:3] ids = np.where((boundary_face == ivertex) + (boundary_face == iadj_v))[0] if ids[1] != ids[0]+1: i_v_orig, i_v_target = boundary_face[ids] else: i_v_target, i_v_orig = boundary_face[ids] boundary_edges[i_v_orig] = i_v_target else: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected error while computing mesh connectivities') # Computing boundaries boundaries = list() # TODO: calculer des boundaries fermees et ouvertes (closed_boundaries et open_boundaries) et mettre dans dict while True: try: boundary = list() i_v0_init, i_v1 = boundary_edges.popitem() boundary.append(i_v0_init) boundary.append(i_v1) i_v0 = i_v1 while True: try: i_v1 = boundary_edges.pop(i_v0) boundary.append(i_v1) i_v0 = i_v1 except KeyError: if boundary[0] != boundary[-1]: mesh_closed = False else: boundaries.append(boundary) break except KeyError: break if not mesh_closed: print('FOUND OPEN BOUNDARY!!!') connectivity = {'v_v': v_v, 'v_f': v_f, 'f_f': f_f, 'boundaries': boundaries} self.__internals__.update(connectivity) return def _has_connectivity(self): return 'v_v' in self.__internals__ def _remove_connectivity(self): if 'v_v' in self.__internals__: del self.__internals__['v_v'] del self.__internals__['v_f'] del self.__internals__['f_f'] del self.__internals__['boundaries'] return @property def vv(self): """Get the vertex / vertex connectivity dictionary. Returns ------- dict """ if 'v_v' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return self.__internals__['v_v'] @property def vf(self): """Get the vertex / faces connectivity dictionary. Returns ------- dict """ if 'v_f' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return self.__internals__['v_f'] @property def ff(self): """Get the face / faces connectivity dictionary Returns ------- dict """ if 'f_f' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return self.__internals__['f_f'] @property def boundaries(self): """Get the list of boundaries of the mesh. Returns ------- list list that stores lists of boundary connected vertices Note ---- The computation of boundaries should be in the future computed with help of VTK """ if 'boundaries' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return self.__internals__['boundaries'] @property def nb_boundaries(self): """Get the number of boundaries in the mesh Returns ------- list Number of boundaries """ if 'boundaries' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return len(self.__internals__['boundaries']) @property def axis_aligned_bbox(self): """Get the axis aligned bounding box of the mesh. Returns ------- tuple (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) """ if self.nb_vertices > 0: x, y, z = self._vertices.T return (x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max(), z.min(), z.max()) else: return tuple(np.zeros(6)) @property def squared_axis_aligned_bbox(self): """Get a squared axis aligned bounding box of the mesh. Returns ------- tuple (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) Note ---- This method differs from `axis_aligned_bbox()` by the fact that the bounding box that is returned is squared but have the same center as the AABB """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self.axis_aligned_bbox (x0, y0, z0) = np.array([xmin+xmax, ymin+ymax, zmin+zmax]) * 0.5 d = (np.array([xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, zmax-zmin]) * 0.5).max() return x0-d, x0+d, y0-d, y0+d, z0-d, z0+d
[docs] def is_mesh_closed(self): """Returns if the mesh is a closed manifold. Returns ------- bool True if the mesh is closed (i.e. it has no boundaries) """ if 'boundaries' not in self.__internals__: self._connectivity() return len(self.__internals__['boundaries']) == 0
[docs] def is_mesh_conformal(self): """Returns if the mesh is conformal. Returns ------- bool True if the mesh is conformal. Warning ------- This method is experimental. Use at your own risk ! """ warn('This method is not stable yet !! Use with caution') # FIXME: experimental method tol = 1e-7 if not self._has_connectivity(): self._connectivity() boundaries = self.__internals__['boundaries'] conformal = True for boundary in boundaries: boundary_vertices = self._vertices[boundary] # Si les trois projections (Oxy, Oxz, Oyz) de boundary sont des courbes dans ces plans, alors la courbe # est colapsee # Projecting on Oxy plane = Plane(normal=[0., 0., 1.]) proj0 = plane.orthogonal_projection_on_plane(boundary_vertices) # Projecting on Oyz plane.normal = [1., 0., 0.] proj1 = plane.orthogonal_projection_on_plane(boundary_vertices) # Projecting on Oxz plane.normal = [0., 1., 0.] proj2 = plane.orthogonal_projection_on_plane(boundary_vertices) # Compputing areas of curves x = proj0[:, 0] y = proj0[:, 1] a0 = ((np.roll(y, -1)-y) * (np.roll(x, -1)+x)).sum() y = proj1[:, 0] z = proj1[:, 1] a1 = ((np.roll(y, -1)-y) * (np.roll(z, -1)+z)).sum() x = proj2[:, 0] z = proj2[:, 1] a2 = ((np.roll(x, -1)-x) * (np.roll(z, -1)+z)).sum() if math.fabs(a0) < tol and math.fabs(a1) < tol and math.fabs(a2) < tol: conformal = False return conformal
[docs] def rotate_x(self, thetax): """Rotates the mesh around Ox axis. Parameters ---------- thetax : float Angle (rad) Returns ------- ndarray The (3x3) rotation matrix that has been applied to rotate the mesh """ return self.rotate([thetax, 0., 0.])
[docs] def rotate_y(self, thetay): """Rotates the mesh around Oy axis. Parameters ---------- thetay : float Angle (rad) Returns ------- ndarray The (3x3) rotation matrix that has been applied to rotate the mesh """ return self.rotate([0., thetay, 0.])
[docs] def rotate_z(self, thetaz): """Rotates the mesh around Oz axis. Parameters ---------- thetaz : float Angle (rad) Returns ------- ndarray The (3x3) rotation matrix that has been applied to rotate the mesh """ return self.rotate([0., 0., thetaz])
[docs] def rotate(self, angles): """Rotates the mesh in 3D giving the 3 rotation angles that are defined around fixed axes. Parameters ---------- angles : array_like The 3 angles of the 3D rotation (rad) Returns ------- ndarray The (3x3) rotation matrix that has been applied to rotate the mesh """ phi, theta, psi = angles rotmat = cardan_to_rotmat(phi, theta, psi) self.rotate_matrix(rotmat) return rotmat
[docs] def rotate_matrix(self, rotmat): if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() self._vertices = np.transpose(, self._vertices.copy().T)) if self._has_faces_properties(): # Rotating normals and centers too normals = self.__internals__['faces_normals'] centers = self.__internals__['faces_centers'] self.__internals__['faces_normals'] = np.transpose(, normals.T)) self.__internals__['faces_centers'] = np.transpose(, centers.T)) if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals()
[docs] def translate_x(self, tx): """Translates the mesh along the Ox axis. Parameters ---------- tx : float Distance """ vertices = self._vertices vertices[:, 0] += tx self._vertices = vertices # Updating properties if any if self._has_faces_properties(): centers = self.__internals__['faces_centers'] centers[:, 0] += tx self.__internals__['faces_centers'] = centers if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() return
[docs] def translate_y(self, ty): """Translates the mesh along the Oy axis. Parameters ---------- ty : float Distance """ vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices[:, 1] += ty self._vertices = vertices # Updating properties if any if self._has_faces_properties(): centers = self.__internals__['faces_centers'] centers[:, 1] += ty self.__internals__['faces_centers'] = centers if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() return
[docs] def translate_z(self, tz): """Translates the mesh along the Oz axis. Parameters ---------- tz : float Distance """ vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices[:, 2] += tz self._vertices = vertices # Updating properties if any if self._has_faces_properties(): centers = self.__internals__['faces_centers'] centers[:, 2] += tz self.__internals__['faces_centers'] = centers if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() return
[docs] def translate(self, t): """Translates the mesh in 3D giving the 3 distances along coordinate axes. Parameters ---------- t : array_like translation vector """ tx, ty, tz = t V = self._vertices.copy() # FIXME: why doing a copy ??? V[:, 0] += tx V[:, 1] += ty V[:, 2] += tz self._vertices = V # Updating properties if any if self._has_faces_properties(): centers = self.__internals__['faces_centers'] centers[:, 0] += tx centers[:, 1] += ty centers[:, 2] += tz self.__internals__['faces_centers'] = centers if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() return
[docs] def scale(self, alpha): """Scales the mesh. Parameters ---------- alpha : float A positive scaling factor """ assert 0 < alpha # TODO: voir pourquoi il est fait une copie ici... vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices *= float(alpha) self._vertices = vertices if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def scalex(self, alpha): """Scales the mesh along the x axis. Parameters ---------- alpha : float A positive scaling factor """ assert 0 < alpha vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices[:, 0] *= float(alpha) self._vertices = vertices if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def scaley(self, alpha): """Scales the mesh along the y axis. Parameters ---------- alpha : float A positive scaling factor """ assert 0 < alpha vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices[:, 1] *= float(alpha) self._vertices = vertices if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def scalez(self, alpha): """Scales the mesh along the z axis. Parameters ---------- alpha : float A positive scaling factor """ assert 0 < alpha vertices = self._vertices.copy() vertices[:, 2] *= float(alpha) self._vertices = vertices if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def flip_normals(self): """Flips every normals of the mesh.""" faces = self._faces.copy() self._faces = np.fliplr(faces) if self._has_faces_properties(): self.__internals__['faces_normals'] *= -1 if self.has_surface_integrals(): self._remove_surface_integrals() return
[docs] def __add__(self, mesh_to_add): """Adds two meshes Parameters ---------- mesh_to_add : Mesh The other mesh instance to add to the current instance Returns ------- Mesh The composite mesh Note ---- This method should not be called as is but it overides the + binary operator for convenience. """ assert isinstance(mesh_to_add, Mesh) vertices = np.concatenate((self._vertices, mesh_to_add._vertices), axis=0) faces = np.concatenate((self._faces, mesh_to_add._faces + self.nb_vertices), axis=0) new_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, name='_'.join([,])) new_mesh.merge_duplicates() new_mesh._verbose = self._verbose or mesh_to_add._verbose return new_mesh
[docs] def copy(self): """Get a copy of the current mesh instance. Returns ------- Mesh mesh instance copy """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def merge_duplicates(self, atol=1e-8, return_index=False): """Merges the duplicate vertices of the mesh. Parameters ---------- atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance. default is 1e-8 return_index : bool, optional Flag to return Returns ------- new_id : ndarray, optional Array of indices that merges the vertices. Returned if return_index = True See Also -------- """ uniq, new_id = merge_duplicate_rows(self._vertices, atol=atol, return_index=True) nv_init = self.nb_vertices # Updating mesh data self._vertices = uniq self._faces = new_id[self._faces] # Faces vertices ids are updated here nv_final = self.nb_vertices if self._verbose: print(("* Merging duplicate vertices that lie in an absolute proximity of %.1E..." % atol)) delta_n = nv_init - nv_final if delta_n == 0: print("\t--> No duplicate vertices have been found") else: print(("\t--> Initial number of vertices : %u" % nv_init)) print(("\t--> Final number of vertices : %u" % nv_final)) print(("\t--> %u vertices have been merged\n" % delta_n)) if self._has_connectivity(): self._remove_connectivity() if return_index: return new_id else: return
[docs] def heal_normals(self): """Heals the mesh's normals orientations so that they have a consistent orientation and try to make them outward. """ # TODO: return the different groups of a mesh in case it is made of several unrelated groups nv = self.nb_vertices nf = self.nb_faces faces = self._faces # Building connectivities v_v = self.vv v_f = self.vf f_f = self.ff boundaries = self.boundaries if len(boundaries) > 0: mesh_closed = False else: mesh_closed = True # Flooding the mesh to find inconsistent normals type_cell = np.zeros(nf, dtype=int) type_cell[:] = 4 type_cell[self.triangles_ids] = 3 f_vis = np.zeros(nf, dtype=bool) f_vis[0] = True stack = [0] nb_reversed = 0 while 1: if len(stack) == 0: if np.any(np.logical_not(f_vis)): iface = np.where(np.logical_not(f_vis))[0][0] stack.append(iface) f_vis[iface] = True else: break iface = stack.pop() face = faces[iface] s1 = set(face) for iadj_f in f_f[iface]: if f_vis[iadj_f]: continue f_vis[iadj_f] = True # Removing the other pointer f_f[iadj_f].remove(iface) # So as it won't go from iadj_f to iface in the future # Shared vertices adjface = faces[iadj_f] s2 = set(adjface) # try: common_vertices = list(s1 & s2) if len(common_vertices) == 2: i_v1, i_v2 = common_vertices else: print(('WARNING: faces %u and %u have more than 2 vertices in common !' % (iface, iadj_f))) continue # Checking normal consistency face_ref = np.roll(face[:type_cell[iface]], -np.where(face == i_v1)[0][0]) adj_face_ref = np.roll(adjface[:type_cell[iadj_f]], -np.where(adjface == i_v1)[0][0]) if face_ref[1] == i_v2: i = 1 else: i = -1 if adj_face_ref[i] == i_v2: # Reversing normal nb_reversed += 1 faces[iadj_f] = np.flipud(faces[iadj_f]) # Appending to the stack stack.append(iadj_f) if self._verbose: print("* Healing normals to make them consistent and if possible outward") if nb_reversed > 0: print(('\t--> %u faces have been reversed to make normals consistent across the mesh' % (nb_reversed))) else: print("\t--> Normals orientations are consistent") self._faces = faces # Checking if the normals are outward if mesh_closed: zmax = np.max(self._vertices[:, 2]) areas = self.faces_areas normals = self.faces_normals centers = self.faces_centers # areas, normals, centers = get_all_faces_properties(vertices, faces) hs = (np.array([(centers[:, 2] - zmax) * areas, ] * 3).T * normals).sum(axis=0) tol = 1e-9 if math.fabs(hs[0]) > tol or math.fabs(hs[1]) > tol: if self._verbose: print("\t--> WARNING: the mesh does not seem watertight althought marked as closed...") if hs[2] < 0: flipped = True self.flip_normals() else: flipped = False if self._verbose and flipped: print('\t--> Every normals have been reversed to be outward') else: if self._verbose: print("\t--> Mesh is not closed, meshmagick cannot test if the normals are outward") if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def remove_unused_vertices(self): """Removes unused vertices in the mesh. Those are vertices that are not used by any face connectivity. """ # TODO: implementer return_index !! nv = self.nb_vertices vertices, faces = self._vertices, self._faces used_v = np.zeros(nv, dtype=bool) used_v[sum(list(map(list, faces)), [])] = True nb_used_v = sum(used_v) if nb_used_v < nv: new_id__v = np.arange(nv) new_id__v[used_v] = np.arange(nb_used_v) faces = new_id__v[faces] vertices = vertices[used_v] self._vertices, self._faces = vertices, faces if self._verbose: print("* Removing unused vertices in the mesh:") if nb_used_v < nv: unused_v = np.where(np.logical_not(used_v))[0] vlist_str = '[' + ', '.join(str(iV) for iV in unused_v) + ']' print(("\t--> %u unused vertices have been removed" % (nv - nb_used_v))) else: print("\t--> No unused vertices") if self._has_connectivity(): self._remove_connectivity() return
[docs] def heal_triangles(self): """Makes the triangle connectivity consistent. A general face is stored internally as a 4 integer array. It allows to describe indices of a quadrangle's vertices. For triangles, the first index should be equal to the last. This method ensures that this rule is applied everywhere and correct bad triangles description. """ if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() faces = self._faces quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] nquads_init = sum(quads) faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] nquads_final = sum(quads) self._faces = faces if self._verbose: print("* Ensuring consistent definition of triangles:") if nquads_final < nquads_init: print(("\t--> %u triangles were described the wrong way and have been corrected" % ( nquads_init - nquads_final))) else: print("\t--> Triangle description is consistent") return
[docs] def remove_degenerated_faces(self, rtol=1e-5): """Removes tiny triangles from the mesh. Tiny triangles are those whose area is lower than the mean triangle area in the mesh times the relative tolerance given. Parameters ---------- rtol : float, optional Positive relative tolerance """ assert 0 < rtol # TODO: implementer un retour d'index des faces extraites areas = self.faces_areas area_threshold = areas.mean() * float(rtol) # Detecting faces that have null area faces = self._faces[np.logical_not(areas < area_threshold)] if self._verbose: nb_removed = self.nb_faces - faces.shape[0] print('* Removing degenerated faces') if nb_removed > 0: print(('\t-->%u degenerated faces have been removed' % nb_removed)) else: print('\t--> No degenerated faces') self._faces = faces if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() return
[docs] def heal_mesh(self): """Heals the mesh for different tests available. It applies: * Unused vertices removal * Degenerate faces removal * Duplicate vertices merging * Triangles healing * Normal healing """ if self._has_faces_properties(): self._remove_faces_properties() self.remove_unused_vertices() self.remove_degenerated_faces() self.merge_duplicates() self.heal_triangles() self.heal_normals() return
[docs] def triangulate_quadrangles(self): """Triangulates every quadrangles of the mesh by simple spliting. Each quadrangle gives two triangles. Note ---- No checking is made on the triangle quality is done. """ # TODO: Ensure the best quality aspect ratio of generated triangles # Defining both triangles id lists to be generated from quadrangles t1 = (0, 1, 2) t2 = (0, 2, 3) faces = self._faces # Triangulation new_faces = faces[self.quadrangles_ids].copy() new_faces[:, :3] = new_faces[:, t1] new_faces[:, -1] = new_faces[:, 0] faces[self.quadrangles_ids, :3] = faces[:, t2][self.quadrangles_ids] faces[self.quadrangles_ids, -1] = faces[self.quadrangles_ids, 0] faces = np.concatenate((faces, new_faces)) if self._verbose: print('\nTriangulating quadrangles') if self.nb_quadrangles != 0: print(('\t-->{:d} quadrangles have been split in triangles'.format(self.nb_quadrangles))) self.__internals__.clear() self._faces = faces return faces
[docs] def symmetrize(self, plane): """Symmetrize the mesh with respect to a plane. Parameters ---------- plane : Plane The plane of symmetry """ # Symmetrizing the nodes vertices, faces = self._vertices, self._faces vertices = np.concatenate((vertices, vertices - 2 * np.outer(, plane.normal) - plane.c, plane.normal))) faces = np.concatenate((faces, np.fliplr(faces.copy() + self.nb_vertices))) self._vertices, self._faces = vertices, faces verbose = self.verbose self.verbose_off() self.merge_duplicates() self.verbose = verbose self.__internals__.clear() return
[docs] def mirror(self, plane): """Mirrors the mesh instance with respect to a plane. Parameters ---------- plane : Plane The mirroring plane """ self._vertices -= 2 * np.outer(, plane.normal) - plane.c, plane.normal) self.flip_normals() self.__internals__.clear() return
def _compute_faces_integrals(self, sum_faces_contrib=False): # TODO: implementer le sum_surface_contrib # TODO: Utiliser sum_faces_contrib surface_integrals = np.zeros((15, self.nb_faces), dtype=float) # First triangles if self.nb_triangles > 0: triangles_ids = self.triangles_ids # print self._faces[triangles_ids][:, :3].shape triangles_vertices = self._vertices[self._faces[triangles_ids][:, :3]] # Remettre le 3 surface_integrals[:, triangles_ids] = self._compute_triangles_integrals(triangles_vertices) # Now quadrangles by splitting them up if self.nb_quadrangles > 0: quadrangles_ids = self.quadrangles_ids quadrangles = self._faces[quadrangles_ids] # First pass surface_integrals[:, quadrangles_ids] = \ self._compute_triangles_integrals(self._vertices[quadrangles[:, (0, 1, 2)]]) # Second pass surface_integrals[:, quadrangles_ids] += \ self._compute_triangles_integrals(self._vertices[quadrangles[:, (0, 2, 3)]]) self.__internals__['surface_integrals'] = surface_integrals return def _remove_surface_integrals(self): if 'surface_integrals' in self.__internals__: del self.__internals__['surface_integrals'] return
[docs] def has_surface_integrals(self): return 'surface_integrals' in self.__internals__
[docs] def get_surface_integrals(self): """Get the mesh surface integrals Returns ------- ndarray The mesh surface integrals array """ # TODO: add an option to do the summation # TODO: decrire les integrales de surface en question if not self.has_surface_integrals(): self._compute_faces_integrals() return self.__internals__['surface_integrals']
def _compute_volume(self): if not self.has_surface_integrals(): self._compute_faces_integrals() normals = self.faces_normals sigma_0_2 = self.__internals__['surface_integrals'][:3] return (normals.T * sigma_0_2).sum() / 3. @property def volume(self): """Get the mesh enclosed volume Returns ------- float The mesh volume """ return self._compute_volume() # TODO: add the possibility to compute the inertia to an other point than [0, 0, 0]
[docs] def eval_plain_mesh_inertias(self, rho_medium=1023.): """Evaluates the mesh inertia under the assumption of an enclosed volume made of an homogeneous medium of the given density. Parameters ---------- rho_medium : float, optional The medium density (kg/m**3). Default is 1023 kg.m**3 (salt water) Returns ------- RigidBodyInertia The mesh inertia instance expressed at origin (0, 0, 0) """ # TODO: allow to specify an other point for inertia matrix expression # TODO: manipuler plutot un objet inertia --> creer une classe ! rho_medium = float(rho_medium) volume = self.volume mass = rho_medium * volume integrals = self.get_surface_integrals()[6:15] sigma_6_8 = integrals[:3] normals = self.faces_normals.T cog = (normals * sigma_6_8).sum(axis=1) / (2*volume) sigma9, sigma10, sigma11 = (normals * integrals[3:6]).sum(axis=1) sigma12, sigma13, sigma14 = (normals * integrals[6:10]).sum(axis=1) xx = rho_medium * (sigma10 + sigma11) / 3. yy = rho_medium * (sigma9 + sigma11) / 3. zz = rho_medium * (sigma9 + sigma10) / 3. xy = rho_medium * sigma12 / 2. xz = rho_medium * sigma14 / 2. yz = rho_medium * sigma13 / 2. return RigidBodyInertia(mass, cog, xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy, point=[0, 0, 0])
[docs] def eval_shell_mesh_inertias(self, rho_medium=7850., thickness=0.02): """Evaluates the mesh inertia under the assumption of an enclosed volume made of an homogeneous medium of the given density. Parameters ---------- rho_medium : float, optional The medium density (kg/m**3). Default is 7850 kg/m**3 (Steel density) thickness : flaot, optional The hull thickness (m). Default is 0.02 m. Returns ------- RigidBodyInertia The mesh inertia instance expressed at origin (0, 0, 0) """ rho_medium = float(rho_medium) thickness = float(thickness) surf_density = rho_medium * thickness surface = self.faces_areas.sum() mass = surf_density * surface s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 = self.get_surface_integrals()[:9].sum(axis=1) cog = np.array([s0, s1, s2], dtype=float) / surface xx = surf_density * (s7 + s8) yy = surf_density * (s6 + s8) zz = surf_density * (s6 + s7) yz = surf_density * s3 xz = surf_density * s4 xy = surf_density * s5 return RigidBodyInertia(mass, cog, xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy, point=[0, 0, 0])
def _edges_stats(self): """Computes the min, max, and mean of the mesh's edge length""" vertices = self.vertices[self.faces] edge_length = np.zeros((self.nb_faces, 4), dtype=float) for i in range(4): edge = vertices[:, i, :] - vertices[:, i-1, :] edge_length[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij, ij -> i', edge, edge)) return edge_length.min(), edge_length.max(), edge_length.mean() @property def min_edge_length(self): """The mesh's minimum edge length""" return self._edges_stats()[0] @property def max_edge_length(self): """The mesh's maximum edge length""" return self._edges_stats()[1] @property def mean_edge_length(self): """The mesh's mean edge length""" return self._edges_stats()[2] @staticmethod def _compute_triangles_integrals(triangles_vertices, sum_faces_contrib=False): """Performs the computation of the various interesting surface integrals. Notes ----- triangles_vertices doit decrire par dimension croissante du general au particulier : dimension 0 : informations sur chaque facette -- triangles_vertices[0] -> facette 0) dimension 1 : informations sur chaque vertex de la facette -- triangles_vertices[0, 1] -> vertex 1 de la facette 0 dimension 2 : information sur chacune des coordonnées des vertex -- triangles_vertices[0, 1, 2] -> coordonnee z du vertex 1 de la facette 0 Todo ---- Explicit the integrals """ s_int = np.zeros((15, triangles_vertices.shape[0]), dtype=float) point_0, point_1, point_2 = list(map(_3DPointsArray, np.rollaxis(triangles_vertices, 1, 0))) t0 = point_0 + point_1 f1 = t0 + point_2 t1 = point_0 * point_0 t2 = t1 + point_1*t0 f2 = t2 + point_2*f1 f3 = point_0*t1 + point_1*t2 + point_2*f2 g0 = f2 + point_0 * (f1 + point_0) g1 = f2 + point_1 * (f1 + point_1) g2 = f2 + point_2 * (f1 + point_2) e1 = point_1 - point_0 e2 = point_2 - point_0 delta = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(e1, e2), axis=1) s_int[0:3] = np.einsum('i, ij -> ji', delta, f1) / 6. s_int[3] = delta * (6.*point_0.y*point_0.z + 3*(point_1.y*point_1.z + point_2.y*point_2.z) - point_0.y*f1[:, 2] - point_0.z*f1[:, 1]) / 12. s_int[4] = delta * (6.*point_0.x*point_0.z + 3*(point_1.x*point_1.z + point_2.x*point_2.z) - point_0.x*f1[:, 2] - point_0.z*f1[:, 0]) / 12. s_int[5] = delta * (6.*point_0.x*point_0.y + 3*(point_1.x*point_1.y + point_2.x*point_2.y) - point_0.x*f1[:, 1] - point_0.y*f1[:, 0]) / 12. s_int[6:9] = np.einsum('i, ij -> ji', delta, f2) / 12. s_int[9:12] = np.einsum('i, ij -> ji', delta, f3) / 20. s_int[12] = delta * (point_0.y*g0[:, 0] + point_1.y*g1[:, 0] + point_2.y*g2[:, 0]) / 60. s_int[13] = delta * (point_0.z*g0[:, 1] + point_1.z*g1[:, 1] + point_2.z*g2[:, 1]) / 60. s_int[14] = delta * (point_0.x*g0[:, 2] + point_1.x*g1[:, 2] + point_2.x*g2[:, 2]) / 60. return s_int
[docs] def quick_save(self, filename=None): """Saves the current mesh instance in a VTK file. It is mainly for debugging purpose. Parameters ---------- filename : str If None, the file is automatically saved under the name quick_save.vtp. If the name given does not have a .vtp extension, the latter is appended automatically. """ if not filename: filename = 'quick_save.vtp' if not filename.endswith('.vtp'): filename += '.vtp' try: from .mmio import write_VTP write_VTP(filename, self.vertices, self.faces) print(('File %s written' % filename)) except ImportError: raise ImportError('mmio module not found')